Gifts and pledges to the Campaign for Washington grew to $260 million through Dec. 31, six months before the UWs first major fund drive comes to a close.
This includes the first endowed chair in the College of Forest Resources, a $1 million gift from the Corkery family of Seattle. The donors are all UW alumni: Jack R. Corkery, ’39; his wife, Vada May Lawrence Corkery, ’42; his sister, Alberta C. Corkery, ’37; and his brother, George Corkery, Jr., ’41. The chair commemorates the family’s long involvement in forestry in the Northwest—dating back to George Corkery, Sr. ‘s arrival in the Northwest in 1914—and with the College of Forest Resources, from which Jack and George Corkery, Jr., graduated.
“The Corkery family’s gift is another splendid example of the remarkable support we continue to receive from alumni and friends,” says UW President William P. Gerberding. “During the campaign, the number of endowed professorships has increased almost fourfold, from 14 to 55, and the number of endowed chairs has increased from 10 to 18. When we compete with other universities to attract good faculty—or keep our best people here—these gifts make a tremendous difference.”
Year-end gifts and pledges will create endowed fellowships in several schools and colleges: