
March 3, 2025

The Northwest legacy of Jacob Lawrence

Twenty-five years after his death, Jacob Lawrence's impact as a chronicler of the Black experience lives on through the efforts of local arts institutions.

January 27, 2025

A very cheesy goodbye

Burgermaster fans have until Feb. 23 to enjoy this campus institution for the last time.

January 13, 2025

Seattle city councilmember Jeanette Williams stands near a construction site for the West Seattle Bridge wearing a hard hat.

Jeanette's bridge

Though we know it by its colloquial name, the West Seattle Bridge is steeped in Jeanette Williams' legacy.

December 10, 2024

Hotel history

The Fairmont Olympic Hotel in downtown Seattle is celebrating its 100th birthday as well as well as a priceless century-old connection to the University of Washington.

A very stylish woman, wearing a lavender beret, leather jacket, loose tie and lavender blouse - leans against a counter in an office space.

Read all about it

Assunta Ng, entrepreneur and journalist, has dedicated her career to serving the Asian American community. Now, she passes the torch.

December 9, 2024

Octavia Butler poses in the book store with her elbow on a stack of her own books and her chin in her hand.

Books and beyond

In January 2025, University Book Store, a bastion for UW students and community, celebrates its 125th anniversary.

High five for '75

Twenty years ago, Linda Buck, '75, won the Nobel Prize. Meanwhile, Mark Emmert, '75, became president of the UW.

December 6, 2024

The life and times of Dan Evans

A rare pragmatist who never compromised his values, Evans bettered the world as a senator, governor, community-college builder and champion of the environment.

Animal magnetism

UW Magazine pays homage to everyone's favorite four-legged friend on his seventh birthday.

Winged things

The Burke Museum exhibit shares beautiful and endangered flighted species through art and interactive experiences.

November 26, 2024

A taste of the UW

An internship program gives high school students an idea of what it looks like to attend the UW, especially if they don't have family experience to lean on.

November 14, 2024

Catching up

This fall, Viewpoint reaches 20 years of telling stories about people who make a difference. Catch up with those alumni and see how they've changed the world.

November 1, 2024

Cultivating community

The UW's Native Garden was created to "honor, acknowledge and make space for the traditional peoples" who once built longhouses and a fishing weir in the area.

Miss Peoples in their corner

The founding director of the country's first academic support office for student athletes, Gertrude Peoples is a beloved UW figure.

October 9, 2024

Game day greeter

John Clinton Cohn, who ran John’s Parking for many years, cheered with Husky fans as they passed the lot on game days—a tradition he upheld through his 94th year.

September 13, 2024

Keeping with tradition

The UW campus was made, in part, by alumni like you.

Making history

Historians and activists who studied at the UW made into a community resource that has proven successful and popular over its 25 years.

September 12, 2024

The HUB turns 75

Witness the 75-year evolution of the Husky Union Building through photos, and learn about the history of this core campus building.

September 10, 2024

Husky classics rock

As several long-standing businesses continue to prove, the more the U District changes, the more it stays the same.

August 29, 2024

Three women in UW garb wave to the camera in a vintage photograph

Never forget the Huskies

UW Magazine editor Jon Marmor reflects on two tragedies from September 2001.

July 29, 2024

The Olympian

Hall Health rebrands as Husky Health Center and renames their building for Olympian David C. Hall.

June 5, 2024

Here we are now

The Rocket landed in Seattle on October 1, 1979. In the years to come, it would nurture some of the most iconic Northwest music acts to ever exist.

June 4, 2024

Farewell to the founders

The University of Washington honors Eddie Walker, Eddie Demmings, E.J. Brisker and Lee Leavy, trailblazing activists who recently died.

June 3, 2024

Lettuce impress you

Introducing the crunchiest registered student organization you've ever heard of.

May 29, 2024

Ice cream dream

Lois Ko of Sweet Alchemy takes on art in all forms: prints, pottery, watercolor... and ice cream.

May 14, 2024

Nurturing new leaders

Leadership Without Borders, now 10 years old, empowers and serves undocumented students on campus.

May 9, 2024

Campus was their canvas

Eddie Demmings, E.J. Brisker and Eddie Ray Walker—founding members of the UW's Black Student Union—fought for a better University.

Celebrating AAPI stories

UWT Alumnus and filmmaker Nuk Suwanchote revisited his alma mater to explore the growing community of Asian American and Pacific Islander students, staff and faculty at UW Tacoma.

May 3, 2024

Finding the words

UW Press celebrates "Aiiieeeee!" and a 50-year legacy of Asian American Literature.

March 22, 2024

Highest achievers

The organization that honors Rosa Parks, Elie Wiesel and Jane Goodall has also celebrated three members of the UW community.

March 19, 2024

Huskies on Arrakis

The UW and the Pacific Northwest played their part in the "Dune" universe.

February 24, 2024

A woman in a UW jacket rides a white horse in a covered barn

Serious horsing around

Students from the big city saddle up for fun on the UW Equestrian Team.

February 23, 2024

An older man wearing a purple suit and a striped tie smiles in Husky Stadium

Swan song

Brad McDavid, the longest-serving band director in UW history, is calling it a career.

A group of men holding long fishing poles wade in a large body of water

Boldt Decision echoes today

The Boldt Decision, which turns 50 this year, reaffirmed tribal fishing rights in Washington and marked a turning point for tribal sovereignty.

January 27, 2024

Black and white photograph of a man in a football uniform smiling

City Hall's top dawg

Bruce Harrell, ’81, ’84, talks about football, family and Seattle's transformation in an exclusive Q&A.

December 23, 2023

A gold Olympic medal that reads "XI OLYMPIADE BERLIN 1936"

Boys in the Boat trivia

"The Boys in the Boat" is now a major motion picture. How well do you know your UW rowing history?

December 18, 2023

People walk down a street filled with tents selling vegetables, milk, eggs, meat and other goods.

Treasure on the Ave

The "granddaddy" of Seattle farmers markets celebrates 30 years of bringing farm-fresh goods to the University District.

A man smiles in the crowd at the Olympics

The Jim Caple effect

The Husky grad, Daily writer, IMA softball champ and all-around good guy entertained us with his clever writing and sharp mind.

December 14, 2023

A man wearing sunglasses and a man on a bicycle in front of a large fountain

UW on the big screen

The UW has graced the silver screen with a few cameos. Have you seen any of these movies?

November 29, 2023

Fulfilling a vision

The original vision for wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ (the Intellectual House) included workshop space. That vision is on its way to becoming a reality.

Northlake’s next act

Big Mario’s, a small local chain, opened its doors to serve huge slices of pizza in a space that retains the legacy of Northlake Tavern.

Looking up

With determination, faith and the UW’s belief in her, Square Donaldson overcame tremendous obstacles.

November 25, 2023

‘Boys’ on the big screen

Turning "The Boys in the Boat" into a Hollywood movie took a lot of research to re-create the UW of the 1930s.

Portrait of an artist

The UW School of Art + Art History + Design unveiled a portrait of Jacob Lawrence created by Seattle-based artist Barbara Earl Thomas, ’77

November 9, 2023

A requiem for Burgermaster

A hotspot for UW rowers and other community members, Burgermaster's flagship location has an uncertain future.

October 27, 2023

Invisible history

Much of the history of Tacoma's Japantown has been forgotten. Tamiko Nimura is bringing it back to life.

October 24, 2023

Canoe Journey

Hosted by the Muckleshoot Tribe, this year's Tribal Canoe Journey welcomed members of the Shell House Canoe Family, č̓away̓altxʷ ʔiišəd.

A group of young people sits and stands outside a campus building on a sunny day.

Reaching all learners

The Disabilities, Opportunities, Internet-working and Technology Center (DO-IT for short) provides support, advocacy and mentoring to students with disabilities.

In pursuit of tech equity

While researching technology, equity and innovation, Ph.D. candidate Jay Cunningham makes time to help steward the University as a UW regent.

A place of promise

For three decades, UW Tacoma has sought to serve not only its students but the community as a whole.

September 2, 2023

Peace Corps pipeline

Since 2001, the UW has consistently ranked in the top three volunteer-producing universities in the nation.

Making waves

Like the ‘Boys in the Boat,’ UW women’s rowing has its own inspiring story.

Scenes from the Salish Sea

The Burke Museum exhibit “We Are Puget Sound” aims to inspire preservation of the Salish Sea and its impressive creatures.

Better building blocks

Founders Hall is the only University building fully constructed of mass timber, which has the promise of reducing the costs of construction while increasing a building’s sustainability.

September 1, 2023

Smart students, clever tech

Information from fitness trackers and smartphones helps Anind Dey's team learn about student success.

August 30, 2023

Staying tuned

Actor Garret Dillahunt joined the UW Symphony orchestra for an end-of-year performance. An audience of more than 500 were treated to his narration of ‘l'Histoire de Babar, le Petit Éléphant.’

June 9, 2023

High flyers

Four Huskies have joined the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame. Read about their achievements in space and beyond.

June 4, 2023

Pulling together

At the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, the UW crew made history and set a legacy in motion.

Bragging rites

Learn who’s behind those purple, white and gold slogans every rowing season on the Montlake Cut.

May 28, 2023

The Gen Z's and me

"How wonderful to return to campus and see that the arc of Black history, despite ongoing struggles, still bends toward justice," Audrey Edwards writes.

Will Parnassus return?

Students returning to campus after winter break this year found the doors to historic Parnassus closed indefinitely.

Creative flow

The Chihuly Workshop has produced a photo-rich book, “The Boathouse: The Artist’s Studio of Dale Chihuly,” to tell the story of a building with UW ties.

May 5, 2023

MAP Awardees 2022

The Multicultural Alumni Partnership announced its support of five promising scholars at the UW.

April 25, 2023

Signs of disability

Stephanie Kerschbaum explores how we notice, and sometimes don't notice, disability.

April 21, 2023

Better hustle

Over the past two years, MFA candidate Abdiel Jacobsen has brought their love of hustle to the UW.

A source of support

The Instructional Center helps more than 2,000 students a year succeed, even in their most challenging classes. More could use its resources.

February 25, 2023

Department of what?

What is that silver structure on the UW campus? It's a “department” of sorts.

Nuggets of history

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering was once the College of Mines. The name changed, but advancing technologies and research is stronger than ever.

Foster library turns back time

The Foster School library put a time capsule from the 1990s on display to mark its anniversary.

The aging cathedral

Landmark status will aid the drive to restore the ASUW Shell House.

February 23, 2023

Revolution to evolution

Emile Pitre captures the story of decades of activism at the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity in his new book.

November 27, 2022

Driving innovation

The UW team earned the EcoCAR Collaboration Award at last spring's Mobility Challenge.

Solidarity forever

After three decades, the UW Bridges Center continues to grow, as does union membership nationwide.

Bruce Lee ascending

A new art installation on the central staircase of Odegaard Undergraduate Library celebrates actor and martial arts legend Bruce Lee.

Hip-hop and hype

The UW Graduate School will host an “Evening with Chuck D” for its public lecture series.

A Husky who did it all

Rick Redman was a star on both sides of the ball for the UW football team, playing guard and linebacker, and he shined on special teams as a punter.

November 23, 2022

Our first astronaut

In 1969, NASA launched Apollo 12, which took Richard F. Gordon, '51, to the moon and back.

November 3, 2022

Uprooting exclusivity

The UW seeks to make the Washington Park Arboretum and Center for Urban Horticulture more inclusive.

At home on campus

Studies show that students who feel a sense of belonging are more likely to thrive in college and experience better personal wellbeing.

A name for themselves

Vern Harner led the effort to change University policy for names on diplomas. Now, trans students' diplomas can reflect their chosen names.

September 28, 2022

Test your UW smarts

Most of us know the school colors, mascot and maybe a few building names...but how deep does your UW knowledge go? Take our quiz to find out.

September 20, 2022

A body in motion

Making history

History professor Margaret O'Mara explains how prior generations handled a pandemic and what we can learn from their mistakes.

September 16, 2022

Hall of famer

The former Husky defensive back turned football upside down with his unstoppable “Air Coryell” passing attack.

September 11, 2022

Huskies in our hearts

On a tragic anniversary in UW history, editor Jon Marmor pays tribute to the 17 Huskies who lost their lives on 9/11 and 9/12.

September 8, 2022

Farewell, Queen Elizabeth

Nearly 40 years ago, when Jon Marmor was a newspaper editor, he met the queen during an assignment in the Bahamas. No kidding.

September 4, 2022

UW’s Brotherhood Initiative builds a community of success for men of color

As the UW’s Brotherhood Initiative grows—and welcomes a counterpart Sisterhood Initiative—students like senior Noah Stanigar continue to soar.

September 2, 2022

Ever forward

Thanks to a catalyzing donation, the ASUW Shell House—a location with a rich history—is on the way to being renovated for another century of service for campus and the community.

August 31, 2022


UW's Husky Stadium boasts an extraordinary way to get to football games.

August 10, 2022

MAP Maker

A “true leader,” Thaddeus Spratlen brought dignity, dedication and a scholarly approach to the Multicultural Alumni Partnership.

June 15, 2022

Good, better, best!

They garden, they read, they cook and they dream of becoming dentists. Teachers: They're just like us! But these six are the cream of the crop.

May 29, 2022

Immersive art

The Henry Art Gallery’s commissioned work from Bolivian-American artist Donna Huanca is on display through April 2023.

Out of style

The HUB has been home to a hair stylist since 1952. Now, salon operator Jane Snell hangs up her shears and closes the Scissor’s Edge.

Chilling out

For most people, camping season starts in early summer. For a few hardy UW students, it started in March.

May 16, 2022

Why we love the ECC

As the ECC celebrates 50 years of creating a space for diversity and inclusion, alumni share fond memories of the space.

Care Package Community

The UW Champions Program was established in 2011 to serve former foster youth. Recent expansions help students who experienced unaccompanied homelessness as youth.

March 11, 2022

Remembering Desmond Tutu

Twenty years ago, the human rights leader delivered a message of hope to Seattle.

March 5, 2022

Fungi friendly

The Northwest is the perfect place for a mushroom enthusiast; one digs into the Burke Museum’s collection.

March 4, 2022

Show us the Shell House

Efforts to preserve and renovate the historic ASUW Shell House on the Montlake Cut continue full speed ahead.

Sweet success

Carlton Olson, ’61, overcame Type 1 diabetes to play 4 years of Husky baseball.