Dec. 1992 issue
Joseph Sutter, who received a degree in aeronautical engineering from the UW in 1943, holds the unofficial title of "father" of the Boeing 747.
Dec. 1992 issue
As a professor of environmental studies and zoology, Dee Boersma is known for her research on penguins and storm-petrels.
Dec. 1992 issue
When the legislature meets next month, UW officials will ask Olympia for enough funds to keep the University's motor running.
Dec. 1992 issue
Fall Quarter enrollment grew from 34,269 last year to this year's 34,598 on the Seattle campus.
Dec. 1992 issue
The discovery of a regulatory mechanism affecting almost all cells led to Nobel honors for two UW professors.
Dec. 1992 issue
We just can't help reading those "Top Ten" lists, particularly when the reports reflect favorably on the UW.
Dec. 1992 issue
In a 15-year, $3-billion project, scientists are trying to map the chemical sequence of every gene in the human being, what they call the human genome.
Dec. 1992 issue
Public schools and colleges of education have to team up to improve things for students. Can this odd couple make it together?
Dec. 1992 issue
The UW Center for Labor Studies will educate UW students on all facets of labor.