June 1993 issue
Former UW Daily Managing Editor and ASUW President Cassandra Amesley, '77, '81, gets the credit (or blame) for using the term.
June 1993 issue
UW alumnus and retired UW lecturer Richard (Dick) Carbray, '44, '51, has written a new book titled "Prophets of Human Solidarity."
June 1993 issue
A fracas that cost a student her eye initiated a new era in which campus officials expect to exert far greater influence over the 4,000 students who reside in the UW's Greek system.
June 1993 issue
For his distinguished career in the arts, Dale Chihuly, '65, is the 1993 UW Alumnus Summa Laude Dignatus.
June 1993 issue
Farmers need a way to turn harmful insects into grown-ups long before their natural time, a kind of "fountain of maturity" treatment. UW Zoology Professor Lynn Riddiford reported a breakthrough.
June 1993 issue
UW researchers have discovered a way to artificially make a cell cancerous and then reverse the process of unchecked cell growth.
June 1993 issue
A UW researcher has invented a new paint for aircraft that promises better pressure readings at a lower cost.
June 1993 issue
Ten former UW football players, including five from the 1991 national championship team, announced the UW Professional Athlete Academic Scholarship Team.
June 1993 issue
Each year, the University searches for top teachers and public servants to honor for their exceptional efforts.
June 1993 issue
Athletics Director Barbara Hedges hired Illinois State Head Coach Bob Bender to replace Lynn Nance as the chief of the UW men's basketball program.
June 1993 issue
Development of the University's Southwest Campus moved a step closer to reality when the Board of Regents approved a plan that would meet academic requirements and preserve some of the working waterfront on Portage Bay.
June 1993 issue
Astronaut Bonnie Dunbar, '71, '75, will be the guest speaker at the University of Washington's 118th Commencement ceremonies.
June 1993 issue
The University of Washington must absorb a $32-million shortfall in state funding following the passage of the 1993-95 state operating budget.
June 1993 issue
You also told us what you'd like us to change. The features in this issue reflect those interests.
June 1993 issue
Minor rule-breakers are causing much more damage to national parks than intentional vandalism, as much as $100 million, researchers say.