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2501-2521 of 2706 results

Dec. 1993 issue

Buiness school receives $5 million bequest from UPS heir

The School of Business Administration has received the first part of a $5-million bequest from the estate of Ruth McCabe Bertauche.

Dec. 1993 issue

Recalling abuse more common than forgetting, research shows

Psychology Professor Elizabeth Loftus recently interviewed 105 women about their memories of childhood abuse.

Dec. 1993 issue

UW experts sharpen ski maker’s edge

UW engineers say they can help the last major U.S. manufacturer of downhill skis—Washington-based K2 Corp.—keep its competitive edge.

Dec. 1993 issue

Treatment may disarm long-term effects of Type I diabetes

Diabetic complications affecting the eyes, kidneys and possibly the nerves and heart don't have to happen, say UW diabetes experts.

Dec. 1993 issue

Enrollment steady; non-resident applications rise

When classroom doors opened Sept. 27, the UW had exactly 34,000 students, slightly down from last year's enrollment of 34,598.

Dec. 1993 issue

UW reaches record $430 million in research funding

Federal, private and other research funding to the University of Washington for 1992-93 reached the $430 million mark.

Dec. 1993 issue

Review places UW among ‘top rank’ of U.S. universities

The results of the accreditation process, held every 10 years, earned the UW the equivalent of an A+.

Dec. 1993 issue

Tax initiative victory limits state spending; impact on UW uncertain

UW officials are worried that, with the passage of Initiative 601, higher education may be a target when lawmakers look for cuts to balance future state budgets.

Dec. 1993 issue

Passage of I-601 could put students over a barrel

Just as our sister West Coast states have seen their higher education systems suffer under tax-limit initiatives, it may be Washington state's turn.

Sept. 1993 issue

New UW provost is a rising star who faces tough challenges

C. Wayne Clough recently took over in the UW's number two position as provost, the chief academic and budget officer.

Sept. 1993 issue

Objections force Faculty Senate to reconsider undergrad reforms

An overhaul of UW graduation requirements hit a snag when more than 100 faculty objected to changes.

Sept. 1993 issue

Nerve research may make surgery faster and safer

A new imaging technique that lets physicians see nerves in the human body may be the solution to that chronic back pain you've been complaining about.

Sept. 1993 issue

Study casts doubt on use of lineups to identify criminal suspects

The traditional police lineup may not be as fair a way to bring the bad guy to justice as previously believed.

Sept. 1993 issue

Scientists find key to rare emerald icebergs

Until UW scientists accidentally encountered a green iceberg in the Indian Ocean, the source of their unusual hue was a mystery.

Sept. 1993 issue

End of UW football probe may bring sanctions

The Pac-10 is expected to rule on 31 alleged NCAA rule violations made by players or boosters associated with the UW football program.

Sept. 1993 issue

Impact of Initiative 602 could be $73 million cut for UW

Initiative 602's projected effects are outlined below in an article prepared by the UW Office of University Relations.

Sept. 1993 issue

Like a small child, we’re learning the language

Though Columns is little more than a baby (4 years old in December), we've been trying to learn the language of this amazing University.

Sept. 1993 issue

Emerging biotechnology promises to transform the materials we use to work and live

The emerging field of biomimetics draws on some of the most powerful source material imaginable: hundreds of millions of years of evolution.

No Issue

Patent on gene procedure leads to $1 million gift for graduate fellowships

The Washington Research Foundation has given the University $1 million to establish endowed fellowships for promising graduate students.

Sept. 1993 issue

In 1943, a much more serious game came to Husky Stadium

The UW campus sustained a full-fledged amphibious landing in October 1943 as part of a war exercise.

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