March 2021 Issue
Here's what it's like to be a student in the University of Washington's class about Indigenous art.
March 2021 Issue
A program funded by Premera Blue Cross is placing nursing students in rural practices throughout Washington.
March 2021 Issue
A year after it became one of the first academic labs in the U.S. to develop a COVID-19 test, the UW Medicine Virology Lab continues to innovate in response to the pandemic.
March 2021 Issue
Residents in the School of Dentistry’s orthodontics program crafted wire sculptures using the materials of their profession.
March 2021 Issue
A year after COVID-19 arrived, there are promising signs that we’ll be back on campus soon.
March 2021 Issue
University of Washington Medicine professor Dr. Helen Chu, ’12, “Washingtonian of the Year” by the Washington State Leadership Board.
March 2021 Issue
Colleagues remember the remarkable life of Charles V. Johnson, ’57.
March 2021 Issue
Native art is prominent in the life of Miranda Belarde-Lewis, an assistant professor in the University of Washington Information School.
March 2021 Issue
Ryan Fritsch, ’12, is the co-founder of Cloudpaper, a Seattle company that sells toilet paper made from bamboo grass. The sustainable grass survives harvesting, regrows quickly and releases more oxygen than trees.
March 2021 Issue
Their commitment to equity brought three UW alumni to 4Culture—and it has remained the agency’s North Star in its pandemic response.
March 2021 Issue
Some advice about the kind of misinformation you may see in the coming months about COVID-19 vaccines and some tools to stop its spread.
March 2021 Issue
"My goal was to help Jen further elevate our efforts on the external side of the house, and work closely with a few of our programs," he says.
March 2021 Issue
Sheridan Blanford, ’16, has the opportunity to make a big impact as she incorporates two of her passions—sports and inclusion.
March 2021 Issue
He went from the UW to professional basketball and back. But it’s in the special education classroom that Anthony Washington, ’16, ’19, is making a lasting difference.
March 2021 Issue
Gould Hall’s original designers created a building that could be modified to serve new generations of students and faculty in the design disciplines.
March 2021 Issue
Scientists spent decades warning us about what would happen during the 2020s and 2030s. Now we see it.
March 2021 Issue
In the days leading up to a full moon, people go to sleep later and sleep for shorter periods of time.
March 2021 Issue
Jimmy Lake took a long and winding road through colleges and the NFL before becoming head coach of Husky football.
March 2021 Issue
The UW will soon be deploying a fleet of floating robots in oceans around the world.
March 2021 Issue
UW Libraries has undertaken a massive effort to expand access to digital resources and develop programs that teach students and faculty skills for research in a digital age.